SwimCount attented 'MEDICAL FAIR ASIA' in Singapore 29.-31. August 2018

SwimCount attented 'MEDICAL FAIR ASIA' in Singapore 29.-31. August 2018

August 31, 2018

Our CEO, Mogens Thomsen, has been attending the 'Medical Fair Asia' in Singapore these last few days.

Mogens has had a busy schedule and met with both present and active SwimCount Distributors in Asia as well as many new potential candidates who are interested in expanding the presence of SwimCount in the region.

He also got the possibility to make a presentation at the Fair which hopefully will enlighten and create an interest for our SwimCount Test and the technology behind for those attending.

This was a great way to end the Fair and we look forward to an update on how the presentation went.


Medical fair asia swimcount
Picture: Mogens Thomsen at the SwimCount Stand at the Medical Fair Asia in Singapore 

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