SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test

If you need expert help regarding your SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test product or help reading your test result, please send us an e-mail at info@swimcount.com and we will assist you. Remember to note from where you have bought your SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test plus kindly attach a picture of your test result (taken within 5 Minutes after pulling back the slider for a valid result!), the LOT No. and the Expiry Date stated on the side of the pack for a quicker feedback.

Some Frequently Asked Questions are stated below:

What do we measure?

We measure the number of Progressive Motile Sperm Cells/mL (PMSCs) which are the only cells that can fertilize a woman.

How to interpret the result color?

The darker the better, as shown on the reference color (indicated with the inserted ”sperm cells”)

  • The result is NOT a YES or NO answer.
  • Remember it only takes one sperm cell to fertilize the egg.
  • To have a normal sperm quality you have to have a minimum of 5 Million Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs)/mL
  • The result shows how many PMSCs/mL there are in the sample.
  • The color of the result should be compared to the reference color that is closest to what is shown in the result window.


Understanding the Result depends on the lighting condition.  The result will or may appear blue/purple like below:

How does the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test work?

There are three chambers in the device. Only Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs) can swim from chamber no. 1 (Sample Chamber) into chamber no. 2 (Separation Chamber). The PMSCs get stained with a dye in chamber no. 2, which produces the color in chamber no. 3 (Detection and Result Window). The more PMSCs in the semen sample, the darker the color in the Detection and Result Window. A PMSC is the only sperm cell that can fertilize an egg.


How do I use the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test?

Please watch the video with Instructions for Use below:


How do I read the test result?

Please download this guide on how to read the results: Guide to Reading and Understanding results.


Are there any factors that I should be aware of that can destroy the test result?

Yes, the following can destroy the result:

  • Taking the test too soon after your last ejaculation (should be at least 2 days after, but not more than 5 days)
  • If there is not exactly 0.5 mL of the semen sample collected in the syringe
  • Not keeping the device steady on a horizontal surface throughout the test
  • If there are bubbles in the sperm when put into the device
  • If the device is shaken


How long time will the result be staying in the device?

  • The test result must be read within 5 Minutes after pulling back the slider. The result might be biased if left for too long. It is recommended to take a picture for documentation within 5 Minutes. After 5 Minutes, the test result will not be valid.


Can I use the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test to determine the success of a vasectomy?

  • No, the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test is NOT to be used to determine the success of a vasectomy.



Is there anything I can do to improve my Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSC) Count?

The following may help to improve your sperm quality:

  • Stop taking anabolic steroids. Male fertility often returns to normal once use of steroids is discontinued. But do not stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting your doctor.
  • Take showers instead of hot baths. Long, hot baths may impact your sperm quality.
  • It is always worth taking care of yourself and factors like eating healthy, exercising regularly, quit smoking and reducing alcohol consumption will improve your health.


How accurate is the SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test?

  • SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test has an Accuracy of 96%.
  • Furthermore SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test has a Sensitivity of 98% and Specificity of 95%. 
    This means that if the test shows that your semen sample has less than 5 Million Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs)/mL, it is 98% likely that the test result is correct. If the test shows that your semen sample has more than 5 Million PMSCs/mL, it is 95% likely that the result is correct.


Why is SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test better than the other test kits already available on the market?

  • SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test is the only at-home test that is able to measure the concentration of Progressive Motile Sperm Cells (PMSCs)/mL which are the only type of sperm cells that can fertilize an egg and thereby make a woman pregnant. SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test does not just measure your total count of sperm cells in your ejaculate, but is able to separate the "good and useable/progressive" sperm cells from the rest of the sample and thereby giving you a valid answer to the male fertility potential.


Has SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test been approved by the authorities?

Yes, SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test is approved by the following authorities.
  • SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test has as of May 29th 2015 been granted the CE certificate for sales in the entire European Union. The certificate is issued by The British Standards Institution
  • SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test has as of June 27th 2019 obtained an FDA 510(k) Clearance for sales in the US
  • MotilityCount ApS/SwimCount™ obtained the ISO 13485:2016 & EN ISO 13485:2016 on 18th October 2021
  • SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test has as of 25th May 2022 obtained the IVDR CE Mark regulatory approval 
  • SwimCount™ Sperm Quality Test has also been certified to sell in Brazil (ANVISA), Saudi Arabia (SFDA), South Korea (MFDS) and Australia (TGA) among others